Bravo! Praise for Montebello from Writer’s Digest

Here’s a toast to The Incident at Montebello, which received the highest rating (outstanding) by the judges of Writer’s Digest in 5 areas:


  • Structure, Organization and Pacing
  • Spelling, Punctuation, Grammar
  • Production Quality and Cover Design
  • Plot and Story Appeal
  • Character Appeal and Development

The judge commented:  “I was gripped by the events in The Incident at Montebello from the beginning…The author deftly portrays Italian villagers of that era, along with their attitudes. The way that Isolina gains a new understanding of Fascism and its stranglehold on her village will help readers understand how any political movement takes hold, chiefly through fear. The author shows what people will do to survive…I appreciated the message that one action can trigger another and change the lives of all.”  from the 23rd Annual Writer’s Digest Independent Book Awards 

Author Interview: P.A. Moed | Tipsy Lit

How exciting! An interview on Tipsy Lit! Curious? Here’s the link:

Author Interview: P.A. Moed | Tipsy Lit.

The Hero Mussolini?

Last month I heard from someone who read my book and hated it. Why? Because I portrayed Mussolini as the villain, and not the hero. This comment set me back a bit. Who was this fan? Apparently, she was born in Italy and emigrated to the U.S.A. decades ago, but had fond memories of the hero Mussolini, who ushered Italy into the modern age.

It’s true, no doubt that Mussolini brought many modern advances to Italy and helped to unify a country that was historically a loose confederation of provinces, more than a nation. But at what cost to its people? After twenty two years of his iron-fisted rule, he was executed by a firing squad and hung by his heels in a public square in Milan to send the message that his death was a fitting end for a tyrant.

Mussolini was a complex man, no doubt, who was capable of good as much as evil. But this is the ultimate contradiction of evil–isn’t it? It wears many disguises and can fool virtually everyone.